Zionist Jews And Zionist Neocons Running Scared Over 9/11 Truth, May Stage Another Attack?

Zionist Jews And Zionist Neocons Running Scared Over 9/11 Truth, May Stage Another Attack?

Louis Farrakhan: ‘Israelis and Zionist Jews’ played key roles in 9/11 attacks
Louis Farrakhan: ‘Israelis and Zionist Jews’ played key roles in 9/11 attacks – Video Below

CBS Channels 9/11 Truth Unbelievable – Two months ago, when Donald Trump said the release of the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 report would show the involvement of the Saudi government, NATIONAL REVIEW called him a “9/11 Truther” and said “Trump turned into an ALEX JONES SHOW caller.”  Now CBS’ 60 Minutes, along with former Senator Bob Graham, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and former members of the 9/11 Commission like Sen Bob Kerrey and John Lehman, Reagan’s Secretary of the Navy ,have joined Trump and ALEX JONES SHOW callers in calling for the classified information to be released.  We look at the reasons why the US Government covers for Saudi Arabia, reasons that motivate the political establishment & Operation Mockingbird press to oppose Trump’s candidacy in unprecedented ways.

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  • Farrakhan on 9-11: What You Need to Know #FalseFlag – 

    Louis Farrakhan: ‘Israelis and Zionist Jews’ played key roles in 9/11 attacks

    9/11, Israel & the Mossad Investigated with Christopher Bollyn

    False flag alert raised to red! Neocons running scared

    By Kevin Barrett

    In this week’s False Flag Weekly News (watch it above – links to all the stories here) we began with a series of worrisome indications that the neocon 9/11 perps are planning a nuclear attack on the USA:

    *In a recent interview, Dick Cheney predicted “another 9/11 style attack with much deadlier weapons. I’m worried if they use chemicals or biological agents or nuclear weapons […] it will be much worse if they find deadlier weapons.”

    *Meanwhile, the US and UK are simulating a cyber-attack on nuclear plants. (Self-inflicted Stuxnet meltdown coming soon?)

    *And a key think tank at Harvard says ISIS “may be on the brink of using nuclear weapons.”

    This is an especially dangerous moment, for three reasons.

    First, the neocons are freaking out that their two least-favorite presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, are channeling massive voter dissatisfaction signaling a breakdown in obedience to authority. (Nothing stampedes the sheep back into the authoritarian corral like a big false flag.)

    Secondly, a deep, systemic economic crisis poses the threat of a “black swan” mega-crash that could happen any time, producing the conditions for actual revolution – not just the “political revolution” threatened by Bernie Sanders supporters.

    Many signs indicate that the neocon-Zionist 9/11 perps are freaking out.

    The ADL is going bananas about the recent “Israel did 9/11” statements from Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.


    My article for the Nation of Islam’s newspaper The Final Call9/11 Expert Responds to ADL Attack on Minister Farrakhan, apparently displeased the Legions of Abe Foxman. Likewise with similar articles and interviews featuring people like Christopher Bollyn and James Fetzer.

    The Jerusalem Post, which like the ADL is a leading neocon-Zionist mouthpiece, is also freaking out. They are pushing back against me by inventing ridiculous lies:

    (Barrett) also argued that the Zionists and the mainstream media have used these so-called false-flag attacks to villainize (sic) Muslims in an effort to garner support for Republican President hopeful Donald Trump…

    Obviously I never said any such thing. The neocon-Zionists hate Trump.

    Why would the Jerusalem Post make up such a bizarre lie? To make me look stupid? To force me to waste time trying to correct the record?

    Now right-wing blogs are picking up the lie and spreading it around.

    This kind of insane, hysterical lying is a sign of desperation. The noose is tightening around their necks.

    Will they “flee forward” with another big false flag…maybe a nuclear 9/11?


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